
Keys to keeping your home in good condition

Having the ideal home is everyone’s dream, but we must recognise the effort involved in keeping the house in good condition, spotless and spotless for as long as possible in order to prevent it from depreciating.

However, this is not always an easy task to accomplish, and, for this reason, we are going to take a look at the keys to keeping a house young, beautiful and without overlooking any detail.

Whether it is new or not, buying a home is almost always a big undertaking, which is why it is so important to take care of it so that it retains its original value and comfort.


Claves para mantener tu casa en buen estado


Keeping the house in good condition

Environmental humidity is one of the factors that has the greatest impact on the deterioration of any residence.

If it is excessive, it will tend to condense in the form of water, ruining the paintwork, wall coverings, furniture and other structural elements of the home. This is an aspect that, surely, many people do not stop to consider, but the truth is that there are many activities carried out inside a home that produce humidity:

washing clothes, taking a shower, cooking, in short. Fortunately, these actions can be combated if the appropriate measures are taken.


How to combat damp?

The first thing to do to combat excess humidity in a house is to ventilate the bathroom after showering and the kitchen, provided that food is steamed, or water is boiled.

Subsequently, the moisture accumulated on window panes and window frames should be dried daily for at least 10 to 15 minutes a day. Opening the windows will allow the sun’s refreshing rays to enter and purify the air.

It is also important to try not to hang clothes inside the house and to make proper use of air extraction systems, both in the kitchen and in the bathroom(s).


Taking care of the plumbing

Nor should we forget to take care of the plumbing in the home, as this is another vital element that can be seriously affected by daily misuse. As it is an element that is not very visible, it is sometimes overlooked and also requires exhaustive care.

To keep the plumbing in optimum condition, it is important to avoid spilling oil or grease into the pipes. If this should happen by accident, it is important to turn on the hot water and let it

run with detergent to prevent these elements from accumulating. The best and most suitable for this purpose is to place a filter in the shower drain.

This is the best way to prevent blockages caused, among other things, also by hair debris. This will reduce the amount of hair in the pipes.


Maintaining the walls of the house

Taking care of the walls of the house is another important aspect of keeping it in good condition. Walls, unlike the plumbing, are highly visible and therefore more exposed to wear and tear.

Most experts in maintenance, decoration and reforms of homes located on the Costa del Sol and elsewhere in Southern Spain recommend giving a coat of paint to the walls every 3 to 5 years.

This will not only give the home a rejuvenated look, but will also keep the walls clean, disinfected and protected from damp for much longer, thanks to the chemicals contained in the paint.

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